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2 months ago


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2 months ago

My bookshelf page says I can change the banner, but doesn’t say how. I found the way to change my profile picture without a hassle.

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2 months ago

Need an option to change the email address associated with my account

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2 months ago

I'm not seeing any way to add initially hidden/obscured text to reviews. This seems important to me given how most people dislike spoilers.

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2 months ago

i think other people already said this but a discussion section for each book would be sooo cool and also it might be worthwhile to separate short one sentence jokey reviews and full book reviews like its done on RateYourMusic (they have separate sections for comments and reviews for each album) so this site doesnt turn into Letterboxd

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2 months ago

Tagging/categorizing posts in the salon page

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2 months ago

One feature I've always wanted on Letterboxd is being able to add notes to list items, would love to see that here

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2 months ago

The pagination bug has been fixed !

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2 months ago

Oh shit, thank you, didn't know there was a pagination bug. Will try to address ASAP. And yes, will add that behavior! Just added that safeguard so people "get" the UX of the bookshelf acting as a "want to read".

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2 months ago

Kind of minor bugs/requests, but: When searching for book A, if I get to page #X, then search for book B, it will stay on page X instead of resetting to page 1 While loading and refreshing the page (on android mobile at least) the background swaps between light and dark mode On a book page, it would be nice if clicking "read" would also add it to your bookshelf instead of giving a warning message

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2 months ago

Just added feature to edit comments

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2 months ago

editing a comment thats been made when you make a spelling mistake would be great

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2 months ago

It would be great if under my threads you could also add threads the user has commented on

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2 months ago

Small note--the text in the box to edit a list's description says "describe your bookshelf" instead of list. thanks for making this!!

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2 months ago

If someone "likes" my comment, I'd like to be able to click the notification and have a link to the comment that was liked. +1 for quotes. I'd also like notifications if I''m quoted.

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2 months ago

Re editing reviews - I almost put this in as a feature request too before I found the edit button. The edit button isn't in an intuitive location maybe? Tags for books would be be good. Or at least a "to be read" option.

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2 months ago

> Let me search and select books by author, plsssss Yes, working on the author page. Thank u for your patience. > please add book descripions so that I dont have to look up what the book is about on another website Yep, I actually had this before, and omitted it because some descriptions were just broken and bad. But I'll re add it.

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2 months ago

> It would be nice to edit reviews. This should be already possible, there's a "edit review" button in the book page :) > Also, when you receive a notification for a comment like, clicking on the notification leads to the overall Salon splash page, instead of the particular thread Yes, will work on this. Was too lazy to implement before launch, but now it makes too much sense. Also a "clear notification" button in general would be nice, since mine is so clogged up now. Thank you for feedback!

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2 months ago

please add book descripions so that I dont have to look up what the book is about on another website

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2 months ago

Let me search and select books by author, plsssss

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2 months ago

Three more: It would be nice to edit reviews. Its annoying to catch a typo after you've published and only having deletion as an option. Also, when you receive a notification for a comment like, clicking on the notification leads to the overall Salon splash page, instead of the particular thread. It would also be nice to have a log of notifications instead of losing them forever.

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2 months ago

> directly responding to comments would also be a good feature yeaaa i thought about adding this b4 launch and i just should've done it. Kinda want to do it urgently to give salons that texture rather than feeling like you're on b

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2 months ago

> Minor, but seems like if I search a book, I can't add it to my shelf from the list view, I need to go to the book's actual page for the "Add to bookshelf" button to work Sorry i just fixed this. dumbass mistake.

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2 months ago

directly responding to comments would also be a good feature

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2 months ago

Minor, but seems like if I search a book, I can't add it to my shelf from the list view, I need to go to the book's actual page for the "Add to bookshelf" button to work

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2 months ago

It would be nice to collate some of the repeat entries of a book into a single page- Sometimes books will have multiple entries for their separate editions, especially if they are international.

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2 months ago

private lists are a cool idea! monthly newsletter for sure is a great idea, but I would probably step back a bit and let someone way more talented than me in design and publishing dictate a lot of it if I can haha. If you want to volunteer, plz let me know on discord. searching threads and profiles will be crucial for sure. As the salon gets paginationed and bigger it will be very useful

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2 months ago

1. random page/list/shelf feature? 2. public and private lists/shelves? 3. ability to search threads and profiles? (may become important if the salon grows in size) 4. monthly newsletter :)

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Editing comments would be great, as I will certainly drunk post at some point. Really looking forward to the original writing though, that should be a lot of fun.

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2 months ago

Oh also editing comments would be nice too.

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2 months ago

> if i go onto someone else's account and look at their reviews or lists, my profile pic and username show up underneath each post instead of theirs Oh shitttttt. Thank you so much. Silly. I'll fix it rn. > DM feature Yea that would be awesome! I'll add a ticket and consider it.

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2 months ago

great job on the website btw, im definitely going to get into this

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2 months ago

if i go onto someone else's account and look at their reviews or lists, my profile pic and username show up underneath each post instead of theirs. Also - I think there should be a DM feature

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2 months ago

- Quotes feature (very neat) - Self-publishing / original writing - goodreads import - book exploration / recommendation - new home page