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Joined 8 months ago


This bookshelf is for stuff that no one in my real life group chat wants to hear about. Starting with an excerpt from the latest episode of Death Is Just Around The Corner.

When you go through something like withdrawing from junk, it breaks parts of your brain that you didn't know could break. It fucks up functions that, I would have assumed up to that point in my life, were so deeply rooted in the reptile brain stem, so blessed by the internal force and all consuming focus of the centipede god (who lives in all of our spines) that they couldn't really stop working. If they stopped working you were dead, and that was it. And there may be something to that last part. But I've been astonished now even after almost two years since I got clean, by the way that those incredibly basic functions do not heal, or at least haven't yet.

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