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1 month ago

Just to say that I'm loving this site so much. I never liked Goodreads bc of the UI + community but this really scratches my autistic RS-adjacent itch. Also I'd love it if there's was an equivalent version of this site for movies bc Letterboxd blows

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1 month ago

Aw, I find letterboxd alright. There are a lot of great film critics / writers hidden away in there and the UI is very good. The culture does trend toward unfunny, one sentence memes, though, and the popular users are lame. As with every community website, blocking anybody if they're annoying and or dumb has made the site lovely.

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1 month ago

Yea movies in general are so easy to consoome, I mean we can knock out 2-3 movies on a JFK-LAX flight. I think the fact that books are such heavy investments of time kinda naturally introduces a barrier to entry of reviews.

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1 month ago

I think it's about a 50/50 split between solid users and people who are just completely off the rails. Tbh the failed tweets don't bother me as much as the tankies and scolds. Like not everything has to be about the importance of supporting Mao Zedong Thought or automatically evil bc one of the actors said a bad thing once. But yes, I've managed to cultivate a nice little circle around myself (following your irl friends also helps imo)

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1 month ago

I wouldn't even have a problem with this site letting you review movies. If Goodreads added the feature, it would be ridiculous feature creep, but to me the salon doesn't seem as much a "book site" as much as a site to follow and talk to people with good taste.

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1 month ago

Oh hell yeah

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1 month ago


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1 month ago

aw thank you so much ❤️ yea i dont use letterboxd as much as well bc i didnt form parasocial relationships with strangers there

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1 month ago

I actually use it a lot lol but purely bc there's no better options. I've found a few cool people on there but yeah there's a lot of annoyingly terrible takes

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1 month ago

Something about the color schemes and UI of the app including the logo screams very … millenial neon tint… It’s weird, the UX is good but the aura of the site/app is so off and corporate

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1 month ago

I like the UI bc it's easier to use than sites with similar purposes for other media like Goodreads or RYM but yes it does feel rather slick and corporate. "Normie," if you will

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1 month ago

RYM's UI feels old-school jn a very functional way. Good read's feels old school in an I have no idea how it works way