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How to Travel with a Salmon and Other Essays

by Umberto Eco

🕰️ First published in January 1, 2000

🏠 Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Trade & Reference Publishers, 25 edition(s)

📕 240 pages

How to Travel with a Salmon is a highly engaging collection of what Umberto Eco calls his diario minimo - minimal diaries - after the magazine column in which he began "pursuing the pathways of parody.". These essays, written in the late eighties and early nineties, are his playful but unfailingly accurate takes on militarism, computer jargon, Westerns, art criticism, librarians, bureaucrats, meals on airplanes, Amtrak trains, bad coffee, maniacal taxi drivers, express mail, 33-function watches, fax machines and cellular phones, pornography, soccer fans, academia, and - last but definitely not least - the author's own self. How to Travel with a Salmon gives us Umberto Eco's acute vision of the absurdities of modern life.

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Read in a busy cafe and pretend your life has a narrative

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