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2 months ago

my sister read a Colleen Hoover book in which the narrator is too embarassed to keep a diary, so she writes 'letters' to her favorite talk show host Ellen DeGeneres. The entire book is formatted as letters written to Ellen.... what the actual fuck is going on

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2 months ago

This is actually high art post-postmodernism I think

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2 months ago

You've made my day worse with that information.

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2 months ago

Keep an open mind bro. It could be a profound work on the perversions of parasociality.

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2 months ago

found a quote from the book: ā€œI addressed each of my entries to Ellen DeGeneres, because I began watching her show the first day it aired in 2003 when I was just a little girl. I watched it every day after school and was convinced Ellen would love me if she got to know me.ā€ . what the fuck isgoing on bros...