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6 months ago

Existentialists are like large diapered infants who need to be spanked and thrown out with the bathwater. lol

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6 months ago

Maybe you could elaborate on why you feel that way so there's something to actually respond to?

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6 months ago


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6 months ago

🎶 Though this world’s essentially an absurd place to be living in / It doesn’t call for total withdrawal 🎶

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6 months ago

I understand that the Situationists were ultimately influenced by the existentialist philosophy of the times but I draw a line between belief in an existentialist ontology and engaging with existentialist ideas. I don't believe that emancipatory politics are compatible with an existentialist ontology. The Situationists were Marxists after all.

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6 months ago

Can you expand on what you consider existentialist ontology? Existence precedes essence, or something more specific?

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6 months ago

The centeredness on the individual and subjectivity and the focus on Being. The idea that we are each fundamentally such different creatures runs counter to the complex ideological, social, and economic structures which we are born under and how those structures shape what we believe to be the Truth. Sartre denying the existence of an unconscious basically shit-canned his philosophical project for myself. I don't see how the ontology of existentialism according to Heidegger or Sartre doesn't naturally fit the modern structure of liberal capitalism, in which we are schizophrenically fractured into micro-identities (identities which we all know to be fluid in our postmodern society). I don't find existentialism radical and I find that the existentialists I engage with ultimately fall into solipsistic thinking, regardless of how/not consistent that is with the actual existentialist philosophical project; Who actually believes "the look" (Le Regard) is a bridge out of solipsism? How can someone view the world this empirically and yet claim to be a Marxist? Existentialism, when lived, seems to become neo-empiricism if that makes any sense whatsoever. Where is the a-priori in existentialism?

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6 months ago

Only a mindset like this could leave someone to believe "Hell is Other People" and I'm aware of the explanation that goes along with this quote, and it is dogshit.

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6 months ago

Ah, you're talking about Sartres weird attempt at marxist-existentialist synthesis. I agree, pretty lame idd. I find existentialism to be really idealistic (despite existentialist claiming otherwise) and not really compatible with Marx. Maybe Le regard is just what Sartre saw looking into a mirror 😃

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6 months ago

lmao thank you for confirming I'm not losing my MIND

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5 months ago

Wouldn't the a priori/accounting for social factors be defined by in Sartre's philosophy by "facticity"?

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6 months ago

And yes I do not like Sartre

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6 months ago

Better than nihilists.

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6 months ago

Implying if you aren't an existentialist you are a nihilist?

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6 months ago

No, just suggesting if we’re hating on a group, it should be the worst one.

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6 months ago
