5 months ago
Where should one start with Mark Fisher's books (the actual one)? I'm familiar with the Frankfurtian School and Žižek, if that matters.
4 months ago
You really can't go wrong with Capitalist Realism, bite-sized and all-encompassing.
5 months ago
I think Mark Fisher is kind of overrated tbh...
5 months ago
Just jump straight into his books they arent too hard; Capitalist Realism, Ghosts of My Life, The Weird and the Eerie, K-Punk, Postcapitalist Desire. All the books are cheap too
5 months ago
It's not so much about difficulty—I've read plenty of difficult critical theory—as me not wanting to read a book, dislike it, and have someone say 'you should have read XYZ instead; it's much better, especially for someone unfamiliar with his worldview'. I have finite time, and far too much to read (and write).
5 months ago
I always felt that the perfect entry point into Mark fisher is his music reviews. I remember like 6-7 years ago reading his Loveless and Burial reviews when I was really young, and I think the one where he talks about the pop group, and just being astonished at his prose and emotion behind his words. I never thought that someone’s music review would move me so much. It’s so raw, so earnest, yet so dissecting and analytical. Absolutely dazzling!
5 months ago
Capitalist Realism is the most relevant and important one. It's a quick and easy read but familiarity with Žižek helps a ton. Fisher's other works are all interesting in their own ways (I loved reading his old blog K-Punk) but nowhere near as relevant.
5 months ago
His old blog from the mid 00s is worth reading. Here are some posts I like: Abstract Engineers (2004): Emotional Engineering (2004): Building Worlds (2004): Lovecraft and the Weird: Parts I and II (2007) Weird / Psychoanalysis (2007): Break through in Grey Lair (2009): Also, you should check out Mark Downham. Both Fisher and Land have said he was a major influence on them and ccru. His essays are hard to find, as they are pre-web (this one on cyberpunk is from 1987):