Ready Player One

Ready Player One

Ready Player One
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Ready Player One

Ready Player One
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Ready, Player One!

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August 23, 2024 8:51 PM

I always assumed the job of a gunter would be to explore the toxic catacombs of a fat woman's flabby underbelly, looking for clues as to the whereabouts of the magic 2600 or whatever the macguffin is in this piece of shit. They would take it in turns delving under her succulent layers of greasy whale blubber in attempt to discover the prize before the time runs out. Will the next clue be concealed within the mangled forest of her armpit hair? Maybe an easter egg's up her anus? Ah, but time's up, now you have to let the next guy go. "Ready, player two!" the robot judge cries.

....At least that's how I imagined it, not having read the book.

Upon reading I discovered it was just a fanfic about Joust and fucking War Games. And I think a Gundam is thrown in there somewhere.


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20 days ago

I liked the idea of the free-to-play gamer finding success, whereas everyone else was on a wild goose chase of microtransactions. P.S. A good primer as to what kind of meager existence one can live if they submit to a VR lifestyle existence.

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20 days ago

You have even worse taste than the author because you bought this book, while he only wrote it

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20 days ago

I downloaded it

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20 days ago

A corpulent and badly balding british man in his mid 20s hunching over a badly formatted .mobi file on his kindle, giggling to himself uncontrollably while thinking about how legendary his absolutely mental and naughty non-review was going to be

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20 days ago

relax, Ernest, it was an epub