5 months ago
“But why should we have to be useful and for what reason? Who divided the world into useless and useful, and by what right? Does a thistle have no right to life, or a Mouse that eats the grain in a warehouse? What about Bees and Drones, weeds and roses? Whose intellect can have had the audacity to judge who is better, and who worse? A large tree, crooked and full of holes, survives for centuries without being cut down, because nothing could possibly be made out of it. This example should raise the spirits of people like us. Everyone knows the profit to be reaped from the useful, but nobody knows the benefit to be gained from the useless.”
—Janina Duszejko
5 months ago
Is this genre fiction?
5 months ago
It's premise plays with aspects of detective literature but it's definitely more lit fic. From my understanding, the older woman detective is a staple of older polish crime novels
5 months ago
That was the most retarded quote I ever made the mistake of reading.
5 months ago
surprised you bother with a computer at all when it can't come close to the heights of Arthurian literature
5 months ago
Take it easy libtard