This is a list of books I have purchased physical copies of in a whirlwind of intellectual curiosity and collector's mania which apparently died down by the time I got home.
I have wide-ranging interests as an appraiser of humanity, eclecticism created by a maladjusted isolated childhood without much access to electronic entertainment, frequent visits to a good+cheap used bookstore near a college, and a post-secondary humanities education that was so clearly doomed to never produce a career I was never tempted to make my advisors happy by mirroring their ideological obligations.
If you lost the thread in the long sentence above, good! I'm not wearing a trenchcoat while holding you at gunpoint in a Colorado school library; you're free to go.
These are generally not foundational books for any topic, although some of them I bought because people I wanted to sleep with recommended them. If you notice any New York Times bestsellers written for adult babies or contemporary fiction by American authors, now you know why.
I typically read 5-6 books at a time in some kind of loose dialog with each other, my opinions of books are revised continuously by reading other books. So, this list seems like a good way to organize and cluster my reading which has lapsed due to being in a cute new summer relationship as well as falling into several of my favorite old crippling addictions.
Some of the reviews might be audio or even video, if I ever find a ring light that smooths over my blotchy nearly middle aged skin instead of highlighting it. I'm terribly vain in addition to being discursive. You're wasting your time if you expect me not to waste yours.

6 months ago
Great list!! You should check out my extensive wishlist list that has compiled plenty of books from the different lists on this website
7 months ago
Some obvious clusters of interest appear. I'm going to grab 1-3 books from each cluster to start with and go from there. This should be more than enough for august, but depending on how much I use books to escape my actual responsibilities, maybe not! They're best guesses and I'll create formal lists later. Or maybe I won't, fuck it. Cluster A: How American culture took over the world while destroying its future 1) In The Context of No Context 2) Alienated America 3) The Geography of Nowhere Cluster B: skinny white women who married already-successful guys with industry connections feeling horny/sad/oppressed/liberated 1) Little Birds 2) All Fours 3) Play It as it Lays 4) The Bell Jar (re-reading since I was a fat depressed virgin teenager at the time, and now I'm a hard-bodied horny bipolar old man) Cluster C: China 1) China in 10 Words 2) Country Driving: a Chinese roadtrip Cluster R: Russia & The Soviet Union, nearly lifelong interest in only partially cured by living there 1) Unwomanly Face of War 2) Kremlin Ball Other clusters ready to go: Cluster E: Education, Why the fuck are so many educators the dumbest people who hate learning Cluster N: Nature, Construction of Cluster S: The South, Sucking Cluster F: Fashion, history and idea of Cluster SF: Science Fiction, USA all the way Cluster P: Poetry generally, for phags generally Cluster T: Tech, Business, & Marketing, I have a startup and I'm willing to buy ads on facebook, why tf am I not rich already
6 months ago
I've taken more from your list than any other user on this platform. Let's see if I can beat you on getting a review in on some of these ;)