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Aug 17, 2024

Dreams and Dream Interpretation



Aug 17, 2024

Rough list of themes that interest me (WIP):

Dream Interpretation

  • Practical manuals, both historical and recent.

  • Ancient accounts (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, China)

  • Mythic, religious, preternatural, and supernatural accounts

    • The dreams of oneiromancers, oracles, shamans, mystics, priests, kings, and Gods.

    • Visions, prophecies, divine dreams, omens, clairvoyance, revelation.

  • Psychoanalytic accounts: Freud, Jung, Rank, Desoille, Durand.

  • Artistic and aesthetic aspects

    • Dream's use in artistic movements: Medieval dream poetry, Romanticism, Dada, Surrealism, ...

    • The association of dreams with useful cognitive states: creativity, imagination, insight.

  • Dream imagery, symbols, "the language of dreams," poetics of dreams.


  • Dreams and the human sciences: anthropology of dreams (esp. folklore), cognitive psychology and dreams, etc.

  • Similar altered states of consciousness: lucid dreaming, induced dreaming, reverie/daydreaming, somnambulism/sleepwalking, nightmares, night hags and sleep paralysis, trance, hypnosis/mesmerism, the unconscious, hallucinations, delirium, phantasia, opium use, ...

  • Dream diaries and dream journals of various people.

  • Philosophy of dreams and dreaming: Aristotle, Kant and Swedenborg, Bachelard, Bergson, Benjamin, recent analytic philosophy.


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