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Aug 15, 2024

$500+ Books



Aug 15, 2024

23 books at average price of $1k/ea = ~$25k for the entire collection


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6 months ago

The actual content of Margin of Safety doesn't justify the price tag. It's great, but the mythos contributes more than anything else to it being vastly more expensive than other out-of-print investment books.

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6 months ago

Oh wow, I was pretty curious about that one too. Same thing I'm wondering about for the "Art of Protecting UHNW Portfolios and Estates" book.

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6 months ago

No clue about that one. The Klarman I read pirated though it was available in the Uni library--I expected it's too much hassle to set up time to read a whole book.

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6 months ago

Yeah a lot of these I've found aren't available on z-library, so the resources you mentioned yesterday are good resources I'll keep in mind, though those are more for academic journals rather than books, it seems. Interestingly, the majority of these books listed all are published by Thomson Reuters (Thomson-West) and Wolters Kluwer. For one of the books listed, and probably others though I didn't check, it showed on z-lib with a notification that they removed the listing after Elsevier (one of Thomson-Reuters' publishing houses) complained about it. It got me a little curious and so I searched and found basically none of them were available on z-lib, and I reason that this was probably due to the threat of lawfare from these publishing houses.

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6 months ago

I also read the Klarman book as pdf. One of those books that you think will make you wiser forever then you can’t remember 1 potent idea off the book 5 years later.

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6 months ago

I mean I could see it. But I'd have to take a look for myself to be the judge of that, because sometimes with texts like this they have a whole different kind of parlance that can be interpreted in a way that they aren't easily able to convey. It could just as well be 'hyped up' through various means as well, where they make bank selling a hollow book. I'd be curious to get my hands on digital or physical of any of these in this list-- they've got quite the paywall and the free copies aren't available on the conventional online free book repos...although maybe just for kicks I'll see if I can order any of these through the public library.

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6 months ago

Klarman was on libgen. If you can't find it now from a virus-free site, I can DM the PDF I downloaded to you via Discord.

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6 months ago

If you (or anyone else reading this) are actually interested in value investing, Graham's Security Analysis followed by Buffet's Letters to Shareholders is the best place to start.

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6 months ago

Noted and added