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Now donators can choose a donator badge ❤️. I think I got everyone, but if you got left out please DM me.

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Confession thread: what classic novels have you DNF'd? Bonus points for multiple attempts. Currently bouncing off Middlemarch, and Absalom Absalom has defeated me three times despite my love of Faulkner.

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Favorite novels from underrepresented nations/languages? It seems rather a shame (if inevitable) that global literature is dominated by a handful of linguistic expressions. What are your faves from elsewhere? I'll start the ball rolling. Saneh Sangsuk's "The White Shadow" is a completely batshit insane Thai novel -- Cormac McCarthy-level rural violence and sexual deviance on the margins of Thai society, told in some of the most intense, unsettling stream of consciousness you'll find.

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Then they make lists.

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want to read
Feb 25



5 books

Most of all, have fun!